Build a Ladder Ball Golf Game!

October 15, 2007 by  
Filed under build, featured, Made From PVC, Toys

Ladder Ball

***Update- There is  now a video version of the ladder golf build click here to view ->***

Here is another project for our series of how to build toys. This one is a game, one that has recently become popular under many names. I think the most commonly accepted name is ladder ball, but I have seen it referred to as Norwegian Golf, bolo ball, bola ball, hillbilly horseshoes and many others. The game consists of throwing bolas (golf balls on a rope) at a ladder structure; see the Wikipedia page for more information about ladder ball. This is another project that is built almost entirely from pvc pipe, which I find to be incredibly easy to work with and inexpensive to purchase. The project is split into two parts; in the first part, we will build the ladder structure and in the second part, we will make the balls, or bola that are thrown at the ladder structure.

How to build the ladder structure can be found here!

How to make the Bolas can be found here!


16 Comments on "Build a Ladder Ball Golf Game!"

  1. John on Mon, 15th Oct 2007 9:29 pm 

    This is so much better than the games you can buy from your favorite retail outlet (i.e. Walmart). I was playing with one of those cheap “manufactured” games with the oversized “golf balls” this summer and one of the balls flew off the rope…..costing me the game – and a fair portion of pride! No amount of Liquid nails or hot glue could remedy the poorly made construction.

    Thanks to justbuildstuff I now can create a sturdy, inexpensive, enjoyable game that will last for years.

  2. » Build a Ladder Ball Golf Game- Build The Ladder! on Tue, 16th Oct 2007 8:05 am 

    […] Yesterday we introduced the ladder golf ball game and today we are going to go over how to build the ladder structure. The ladder structures are built out of 3/4″ PVC pipe (note that 3/4″ PVC pipe has a 3/4″ inside diameter and approximately a 1 inch outside diameter). To build Two of the ladder structures you need to buy the following items from you local home center. […]

  3. Alan on Mon, 4th May 2009 3:26 am 

    Awesome instructions, easy to make, tons of fun. No cement is needed to keep the parts together.

  4. smirf on Tue, 22nd Jun 2010 10:51 pm 

    i cant wait to start building

  5. Ladder Golf- Needs More Golfing : Crazy Idea Factory on Wed, 28th Jul 2010 3:02 pm 

    […] a ladder.  If  you would like to build your own there is a pretty good how to article at that should help you […]

  6. Sydney Collins on Mon, 6th Sep 2010 4:02 pm 

    golf is a great sport but it is not a great exercise if you want to burn calories;`,

  7. Andrew Rowley on Tue, 7th Sep 2010 2:26 am 

    We built the ladder with 3/4″ plasticv pipe and did not glue the joints thinking that it would store better in our teeny tiny camper. It was nice and stiff and still has stayed stiff for a long tinme. nice job!!

  8. York Jewell on Wed, 3rd Nov 2010 8:05 pm 

    I build your ladder golf game to take to a family reunion this past summer. Everyone that played it, loved it and now I find myself making 4 more sets for friends and family for Christmas. Like other posters, I too have played on the CHEAPLY made commercial games and have foudn this one to be extremely solid. The only problem was finding the colored golf balls in my area. I thought maybe I could use colored rope instead, but couldn’t find it either. Eventually, I found the colored gold balls at Dick’s Sports. If anyone knows of a different supplier for the golf balls, I would like to know as they were somewhat expensive at Dick’s.
    Thanks for the great plans.


  9. Desk Antiques · on Mon, 8th Nov 2010 7:03 pm 

    plastic golf balls would easily crack but those that are made from ABS Plastic are great ‘

  10. John Callan on Mon, 9th May 2011 1:16 pm 

    Drilled my golf balls with 1/4″ drill (on drill press) and painted with canned spray paint – worked great (only one of my old golf balls had a liquid centre – yuk).

  11. Larry Trussell on Thu, 7th Jul 2011 4:36 am 

    having a hard time getting the rope thru the golf ball, help

  12. build07 on Thu, 7th Jul 2011 8:53 am 

    Have you melted the end of the rope so it does not fray?

  13. Friday Favorites–Playing Outside « Crafty Staci on Fri, 15th Jun 2012 8:00 pm 

    […] Ladder Ball Game from Just Build Stuff looks like a good project for my […]

  14. Paul on Wed, 15th Aug 2012 5:59 am 

    Was introduced to Blango or ladder ball in Oregon while visiting relatives. It made the visit great fun and gave us a competiton from my 12 year old neice to a senior citizen like myself. Purchased the materials for constructing the game set before I found this post. My design was within inches of the height and width, but liked the gact that all of the short sticks were 12″ on yours. I did shortent the base sticks to 15″ which made the base 34 ” total instead of the suggested 52″. The set we played with in Oregon was only 27″ for the base so there will be no stability problems. As John said, you have to be aware of golf ball construction. Pinnacles and Top Flites arer 2 piece balls and always have a hard core. The pro balls are usually 3 piece and older ones will have liquid centers so use 1995 or newer balls. I too used spray paint to color the balls and will be interested in how long that will last. Looking forward to the first guests to come play.

  15. Dragonscheats on Sun, 15th Mar 2015 12:24 am 

    This is really cool. I would love to try this sometimes 🙂

  16. Denise on Thu, 9th Apr 2015 8:37 am 

    Wondering if anyone got hurt by the golf balls? Seems dangerous to be throwing such hard balls since not everyone is a good aim.

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