Putting Ideas on Paper!

October 31, 2007 by  
Filed under Ramblings, Toys

We all have lots of ideas of things that we would like to build or projects that we would like to do, but it can be very difficult to take the idea and turn it into something real. In order to take the idea that is floating around in my head and give it a physical formI always start a project with a quick hand sketch. I have attached the sketch of one the projects that I am currently working on, a children’s play stove. As you can see it is rudimentary, no dimensions and it is not to scale. But, it does provide a clear illustration of what I want to build and it gives me a starting point I from which to refine the design. In a month or two when the stove project is finished you can check back and see how much my play stove actually looks like its prototype sketch.

Hand Drawing


One Comment on "Putting Ideas on Paper!"

  1. justbuildstuff.com » The Stove is Finished!!!!! on Sat, 5th Jan 2008 8:43 am 

    […] stove that I posted a hand drawing of in the Putting Ideas on Paper posting is finally finished. And my daughter loves it! I took a lot of pictures while building it […]

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