Steps to Produce a Project

October 12, 2007 by  
Filed under Ramblings

Below are the steps that I follow when I am planning to build something.

  • Start with an idea of what you want.
  • Study similar things, Look at existing product designs, other types of furniture, or anything that exists in nature for inspiration
  • Make a quick sketch of the idea
  • Ask for input
  • Refine the Sketch
  • Add Dimensions
  • Choose Materials
  • Start building and having fun
  • Finish and enjoy

During our future projects I hope to lay out some examples of early planning stages.


One Comment on "Steps to Produce a Project"

  1. Steps to Produce a Project on Fri, 12th Oct 2007 12:53 pm 

    […] lok wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptBelow are the steps that I follow when I am planning to build something. Start with an idea of what you want. Study similar things, Look at existing bed designs, other types of furniture, or anything that exists in nature for … […]

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