Build a Snowman!

January 7, 2008 by  
Filed under Ramblings


Yes, it is a real snowman!  The weather was beautiful today in our cold northern climate and the snow was sticky enough that we could roll ourselves a snowman.  My daughter and I had a lot of fun making this frozen fellow with two eyes made out of coal.  If the weather holds out maybe we can build a snow fort in the next couple of days.

The Stove is Finished!!!!!

January 5, 2008 by  
Filed under Toys, Woodworking

Completed Stove

The stove that I posted a hand drawing of in the Putting Ideas on Paper posting is finally finished. And my daughter loves it! I took a lot of pictures while building it and I will post just exactly how I built the stove during future postings. I just had to put up a picture of the completed project because I am so excited about how great it turned out!!!

New Year Remodel Coming Soon!

January 4, 2008 by  
Filed under Ramblings

I had a little time off over the Christmas Holiday and when I had spare moments I used them to do a bit of reading on XHTML and CSS. My plan is that by the end of March I can create a new look for One of the books that helped me learn the most was Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML, I like the learning style of the Head First books and I definitely recommend reading this one especially to beginners. Now, the real test for me and the book is whether or not I can build a better looking website by the end of March. Only time will tell.

Learn to Carve Wood

January 3, 2008 by  
Filed under Ramblings

One of the coolest gifts I received for Christmas this year was a misshapen lump of wood, a profiled lump of basswood to be more precise. What, you may ask would I do with this lump of wood? Carve it into an overweight man wearing a hat of course. I have never carved before and this is going to be my chance to learn. The wood came with a book about carving called Art & Technique of Scandinavian Style Woodcarving. As soon as I finish the carving project I will post some pictures.

Carving Block

Happy New Year!

January 2, 2008 by  
Filed under Ramblings

Happy New Year to all of our readers.  2008 is going to be a great year.  Look for some big improvements here at

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