Porter Cable Model 333 Replace Sanding Pad

September 25, 2014 by  
Filed under Ramblings

After allot of sanding the velcro sanding pads will no longer stick to my Porter Cable 333 sander. Embedded below is a quick video showing me replacing the sanding pad.

I usually replace my pads with the Porter Cable brand replacement pads, the link below will take you to Amazon’s page for the pads.
PORTER-CABLE 13904 5-Inch Hook and Loop Pad (for Model 333 Sander)

But this time I tried another pad from Amazon that was $5 cheaper, the link below will take you to that sanding pad.
Superior Electric RSP29 5 Inch Sander Pad – Hook and Loop Replaces Porter Cable OE # 13904 / 13909

I’ll post an update in a few months and let  you know if I think the cheaper pad is as good as the one from Porter Cable.

Build of Lego Creator 3 in 1 Skyflyers 31001

September 18, 2014 by  
Filed under build, Lego Builds, Toys

Build of Lego Creator 3 in 1 Skyflyers model 31001.
Purchased at Toys ‘R Us for $7.99 also available at Amazon (Click here to view on Amazon.com).




Build of Lego Star Wars Anakin’s Jedi Intercepter 30244

September 15, 2014 by  
Filed under build, Lego Builds, Toys

Build of Lego Star Wars Anakin’s Jedi Intercepter 30244.

I purchased this Lego polybag at Toys R Us for $3.99, but it is also available at Amazon (higher cost) by clicking this link.

Fun build for the kids and I at a pretty reasonable price.  Watch the video I made above for more detailed information.



Video of How to Build a Ladder Golf Game

September 1, 2014 by  
Filed under build, Games, Made From PVC, Toys and Games

This is an update to the ladder golf how to instructions I published previously.


Advice for Painting Crankbaits from Dakota Lakes Tackle

July 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Ramblings

I am always interested to know how to do everything and when it comes to fishing one of the best DIY projects is painting your own lures (crankbaits).  My friend Jake has posted some great videos on Youtube covering the best methods to paint them yourself.  You can visit Jake at www.dakotalakestackle.com to purchase the unpainted crankbait bodies and stencils.


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