Trick-or-Treat Memory Bag
This post explains how to make a craft that is both practical and sentimental – a trick-or-treat memory bag. Once again, my subscription to Family Fun magazine provided me with a great idea for a holiday craft. To create this item you will need a plain canvas bag and either permanent markers or fabric paint. Simply lie out the canvas bag and let your artistic talent go to work as you draw a Halloween design. As my daughter is still very young, I am making a bag for her. I decided that I would decorate her trick-or-treat bag by documenting what her Halloween costume is each year. In the future, she can look back at all of her costumes and remember what she dressed up as in the past. Or, if you are having a Halloween party, it might be fun to provide a canvas bag to each of the partygoers and have each of them autograph the bag and list their costume.
Halloween is a time of spooky fun and imagination. When I was young, I had so much fun dreaming up with what I wanted to be. This bag helps document the fun and creativity of a child and is a great tradition to add to anyone’s Halloween.
The Milk Jug is the Ghost!
Light the way for trick-or-treaters this Halloween with spooky ghost lanterns! I love to create crafts, especially ones I can work on with my daughter. Thankfully, I have a subscription to Family Fun magazine that is loaded with creative and inexpensive ideas. This idea came from the October 2007 edition. I started preparing to make this project a couple weeks in advance as it calls for several plastic gallon milk jugs. After we finished drinking the milk I thorougly rinsed the jugs so we wouldn’t greet our trick-or-treaters with a sour milk smell. Once I had collected several jugs we took a black marker and drew ghost faces onto the jugs. We had a blast trying to make each face unique! *Remember to wear art clothes just in case you get some marker on yourself.
Next we plugged in a string of holiday lights and dropped a bulb down each jug. (In Family Fun, they recommend cutting a half-dollar size hole in the back of each jug so you don’t see the string.)
Not only are these ghosts fun to make, but they are also inexpensive. Furthermore, I think they will help trick-or-treaters stay safe as they will be walking on a well-lit path. Plus it helps put everyone in the holiday spirit!
My Play Dough Pumpkin!
This is the pumpkin my daughter and I created using the play dough we made in yesterday’s posting. I think it is one of the best play dough pumpkins ever made. Luckily, I have a LOT of orange play dough so I can make more pumpkins. However, the next time I make play dough I am going to decrease the recipe and make a third of a batch at a time. Then I can make different colors with each batch. For the small-scale play dough user like myself I think this will be more than sufficient. On the other hand, If you have a classroom full of kids, or you would like to make enough play dough to give some away (Halloween is coming) I think the large batch is the way to go. Whatever quantity you choose to make, I hope you have fun exercising your creative muscles while you play with your play dough!