How Everyday Things are Made
I love building things and I have an insatiable curiosity for finding out how things are made. For instance I think most people do not have any idea what hydroforming or broaching is let alone how they work. If you want to see videos of manufacturing processes and a few virtual factory tours I recommend you visit and check out their “How Everyday Things are Made” section and watch a video about how jelly beans are made or how Boeing assembles a 777.
The New Logo
Our new look is coming, you might notice a few changes already such as a new logo! I apologize for the virtual construction mess, but look on the bight side virtual sawdust isn’t as bad for you lungs as the real thing.
The Bed Project Begins
Too many projects at one time sound familiar to anyone? Well, that is my biggest problem. I have not even finished all the postings for projects I have finished and I am starting another major project, the “Build a Bed” project. Below you can see my initial concept sketch.
Mess of Computer Parts
I am in the middle of building a new computer and sifting through my old computer parts trying to decide what is useful and what has outlived it’s usefulness. I am hoping that I will have enough spare parts that I can build a Mythtv box to try to hook up to my television and experiment with. If you don’t see any new postings for a while it means that I didn’t fare so well in this project.
Queen Elizabeth Builds Bowling Skills on Her Wii
This is just too crazy and cool not to post. The Queen of England apparently enjoys playing bowling games on her grandson’s Nintendo Wii. Here is a link to the full story on CNET’s Crave blog