Just Build Stuff- It’s Fun!!!!

September 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Ramblings

Think of something you want, anything and think about how you would like to obtain it. Let’s say for instance that you want a clock – you could purchase one of the countless clocks found at your local retail stores or online. The clock that you would buy would be the same one that anyone else could buy, with no unique features, colors or materials. It might look nice but you would have no personal attachment to the clock. Or, if you are a justbuildstuffer, you would decide that you know exactly what the clock is that you want and you are going to just build it yourself to make sure you get what you want and to have some fun while doing it. I of course am a justbuildstuffer and now I am inspired to build a clock…maybe a couple of them, a classic looking one and a very unique looking one. Because I am going to just build it I can do it any way that I want, I can find parts at rummage sales and make a Frankenstein clock or I can find all new materials. I can build it out of the wood I got recycling a pallet, or out a block of aluminum. I am a builder and I justbuildstuff.com.

Building a Pirate Vocabulary

September 19, 2007 by  
Filed under Ramblings

Today we focus on building our vocabulary, our pirate vocabulary! Because today is National Talk Like a Pirate Day! So avast ye scoundrels. It be time to take toll of our Pirate readiness. Don’t hesitate to take a few hours to watch Treasure Island or Pirates of the Caribbean if you feel the need. If you are a true Pirate builder you will have a custom forged Pirate Saber, an eyepatch made from an old piece of tire and a parrot that continuously screams “Polly wanta Hammer”. This day only comes once a year so make sure to make the most of it by annoying your family, friends and coworkers as much as possible. Shove off ya scurvy manges!

Building This Site

August 31, 2007 by  
Filed under Ramblings

I enjoy building and that is the whole reason for this website, and building this website has been a building challenge all by itself.  Someday I hope to post a tutorial on how to set up a quick website/blog, but I intend to wait until I understand what it was that I did to get it up.  At this point the only thing I know about building a website/blog is that I bought a domain name at godaddy.com purchased hosting at bluefur.com and installed WordPress on the server so that I could begin.  I did not create this site with the intent to get rich but I would like to try to monetize it on a small scale and so I have been studying some of the information on johnchow.com.  Now as you can see I am posting some miscellaneous rambling.  I hope to post a simple project by the end of next week, but allot of my focus during the coming weeks will be on bring this website up to speed and getting the format to a point I am comfortable with. I will post updates on changes to the website and what I did to create those changes as I go.

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