Initial Design of an Entryway Locker

September 20, 2009 by  
Filed under build, Ramblings, Woodworking

I have just finished creating a model of an entryway locker that I plan to start building soon as a donation to for a local charity dinner.  When finished I will post pictures of the construction and detailed plans.

Click on the picture below to be able to interact with a 3D PDF model of the Locker.  Note you will need Adobe Acrobat reader installed in order to view and interact with the model.



One Comment on "Initial Design of an Entryway Locker"

  1. Richie on Tue, 11th Jan 2011 10:58 pm 

    Nice! I just finished building and installing a much simpler design and it’s working great. Too bad I didn’t find yours sooner. Good luck with that!

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